The problem
The problem with ifs is that they multiply themselves very quickly and soon the logic become very hard to understand. The problem it tries to solve is very simple: depending on some conditions I have to change the execution flow. It is actually the a routing problem, so your solution should communicate the directions and options code can follow. The if primitive is very very low level and doesn’t communicate well the code intention. That’s why it is better to avoid them. I am starting a list of blog posts about technics that will help to express better the routing without using if. This is my way of supporting the Anti-IF Campaign
Clojure Multimethod
A couple of weeks ago, I organized a dojo with the time I was working with to refactor part of our application code with clojure. This was a scala code using pattern matching to decide which calcule it should perfor based on the type of tax. The pattern matching was pretty big and wasn’t communicating a lot. During this dojo we discovered clojure multimethods. The idea is very simple: you seperate the function that will decide which route the code will follow from the function that actually perform the computation. Our routing function looked like:
(fn [product] (product :type))
Hence we declared a multimethod:
(defmulti calculate (fn [product] (product :type)))
which is equivalent to
(defmulti calculate :type)
as Val Waeselynck mentionned in the comment.
Then we wrote a function for all cases we wanted to handle: if type is 0 we need to return 0.0:
(defmethod calculate 0 [product] 0.0)
If type is 12 we need to return 1.1:
(defmethod calculate 12 [product] 1.1)
Other cases should throw an exception:
(defmethod calculate :default [product]
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Type " ((product :type) " is unknown"))))
This code is very easy to understand, concise and expressive. There is very minimal boilerplate code and force the programmer to separate well the routing logic, which can be very simple, from the computations.